Undying Quality & Comfort

Privacy policy

Privacy statement

1.When you shop with us, we store:
Name, address, mobile number, and email address. This is data we need to deliver.

The goods to you, as well as contact you about conditions in connection with the order. Information about goods you have purchased is also stored in connection with accounting and any warranty and return handling. Card numbers are not kept by Northpadel AS beyond what is necessary to ensure efficient handling of any problems with charging, cancellation of reservation and crediting.

Northpadel.com uses information cookies, also called cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your hard drive by the website you visit. We use cookies to analyze traffic on our website. The information collected is only used internally and will not be passed on to any third party. We never store information that can identify you personally. Cookies are used to store data about your visit to a website. This data is useful for us as the owner of the website, and for you as a user, as the experience of the site can be improved. An example is that you put something in the shopping basket, leave the site, and the next time you come back, the products are still in the basket.

3. Google Analytics
Northpadel.com uses the statistics tool Google Analytics. In this way, we can obtain general information about traffic on our pages and analyze accordingly. We do not analyze individual customers or individual orders.

4.Payment information
Credit and payment card (card number, expiry date and CVV code)
Purpose: Collected so that the payment provider can confirm and verify your identity when you pay for the order. Legal basis: Your payment information is handled and not stored by Northpadel, as only the payment provider has access to your payment information. The payment provider is thus responsible for personal data for this type of data, and it is therefore not necessary for us to handle the data.
Storage period: Not stored by Northpadel.

5. Information about goods you have purchased.
Details of the products you have purchased.
Purpose: Collected to handle any returns and complaints, and to help you with questions regarding customer service.
Legal basis: Necessary to be able to comply with applicable legislation related to the purpose.
Storage period: Until the purchase is completed (including delivery and payment) and for a reasonable period thereafter or for data processed in accordance with the Accounting Act.

6.Information about how you interact with Northpadel

  1. How to use our services
  2. Response time for pages, download errors, etc.
  3. How you arrived at and left the service

Delivery notifications when we contact you.
Purpose: Collected to improve our services, develop products and features, and for general business development.
Legal basis: Necessary to satisfy Northpadel’s legitimate interest in being able to evaluate our services and improve and develop our business.
Storage period: From collection and for a reasonable time thereafter.

7. Device Information
IP adress

    1. Language settings, browser settings, geographical location, and time zone
    2. Operating system, platform, screen resolution etc.

Purpose: Collected to perform risk analysis and prevent fraud.
Legal basis: Necessary to accommodate Northpadel’s legitimate interest in being able to carry out troubleshooting and develop its business.
Storage period: From collection and for a reasonable time thereafter.

8. How do we protect your personal data?
Northpadel uses encrypted communication, via Secure Socket Layer (SSL), to ensure that your personal data is protected during the purchase. The credit card information is only handled by the payment provider over a secure and encrypted connection. We also protect our websites and other systems through technical and organizational measures against the loss, destruction, access, alteration or dissemination of your information by unauthorized persons. We always strive to process your information within the EU/EEA. However, there may be situations where data may have to be transferred to and processed in countries outside the EU/EEA. For example, if we share your personal data with a data processor, which either itself or through a subcontractor is established or stores the data in a country outside the EU/EEA. In these cases, the data processor can only use the information that is relevant for the purpose (for example, log files). Northpadel will then take all reasonable legal, technical, and organizational measures to ensure that your information is handled securely and at least at the same level as the protection offered within the EU/EEA.

9. Who can your personal data be shared with?
Your personal data is only handled by Northpadel and selected third parties described below.

  1. Logistics and transport companies: Northpadel shares your personal data with logistics and transport companies to handle and deliver your order.
  2. Payment providers and similar providers: Your personal information may be shared with credit reporting companies and providers of similar services to allow the payment providers to assess your creditworthiness when you apply for one of the payment methods we offer, and to verify your identity and your address.
  3. Authorities: Northpadel can, if necessary, provide information to authorities such as the police, tax authorities or other authorities if we are required to do so by law.
  4. Marketing providers: Northpadel may share your personal data with marketing providers to send you targeted offers.
  5. Subcontractors and similar suppliers: Northpadel may share your personal data with subcontractors and similar suppliers to fulfill our obligations to you.
  6. Your personal information will not be shared with unauthorized parties. We never sell or exchange your personal data to third parties.

10. What are your rights?

  1. Right to access: You have the right to receive information about which personal data we have stored about you. We are open about how we process your personal data, and if you would like to gain a deeper insight into how we process your personal data, please feel free to contact us.
  2. Right to rectification: If your information is incorrect, you have the right to request that your information be corrected. During the time we need to confirm that the information is correct, you also have the right to request a limited processing of personal data.
  3. Right to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw consent at any time. Read more about how to withdraw consent to send newsletters and text messages in our terms of purchase.
  4. Right to deletion: You have the right to request that we delete your personal data. However, there may be obligations that prevent Northpadel from being able to delete all data, such as obligations under accounting and tax legislation.
  5. Right to object: You have the right to object to the processing of personal data based on a balancing of interests. For Northpadel to continue processing your personal data, we must provide a legitimate reason that outweighs your interests and rights.
  6. Right to data portability: You have the right to request that your personal data be transferred to another controller (a so-called data portability). This applies if our right to process your personal data is based on your consent or fulfillment of an agreement with you. A prerequisite for data portability is that the transfer is technically possible and can be done automatically.

11. Contact us.
For questions about our handling of personal data or to exercise your rights, please contact us via info@northpadel.com

12. Changes to the Privacy Policy
Northpadel reserves the right to make necessary changes to the privacy policy to meet legal requirements or to remedy disturbances. All changes will be published in this document.

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